1. Credit Cards
Credit cards offer a quick and convenient way to make financial transactions both large and small. With a credit card, clients use a set credit limit from the company issuing the card to make offline and online purchases. Some companies like American Express and Mastercard offer contactless credit cards that use radio-frequency identification to authenticate card information, saving customers the trouble of swiping their cards against a card reader and making the process more secure.
If customers pay back their credit card balances regularly, they can build up a good credit line. However, if they have trouble meeting their payment due dates, they can be charged interest and their credit card rating can go down. To provide your clients with the best options for paying with credit cards, contact D2L to learn about the most secure ways to incorporate credit card payments into your business model.
2. Debit Cards
Debit cards withdraw money directly from an attached bank account. A debit card payment usually doesn’t come with annual fees and does not charge payees interest, which can encourage use. However, they also come with limited fraud protection and don’t build a client’s credit score, causing some customers to prefer using credit cards.
To accept debit card payments, you’ll need to comply with all the regulatory requirements in your industry. You’ll also need to choose a payment process to facilitate payment card transactions. In-store, the equipment you need to process debit cards is the same as the ones for credit cards. Online retailers, be sure to set up your payments web page to accept financial transactions from debit cards and optimize this page for mobile devices so clients can enter their debit card information through their smartphones.